Welcome to WAYNE’S WOOD & GOODS Shop

Featured Products

Classic Adirondack Chair


Covered Bridge Bird feeder


Modern Planter!!

Starting at $60

wayne’s world

Welcome to a little corner of the internet where this poet, writer, and photographer gets to pours his creative energy into his newfound love —-> Woodworking!

I have not felt this kind of passion for a craft in a very, very long time! In woodworking I have found a lot of excitement, ample challenges, an intense creative outlet (and a bit of frustration - which has been a healthy addition for me!)

From a very young age I was the quiet kid/teen/young adult/adult, and I've always best expressed myself in writing. And starting in high school, photography. Sadly, I have not written as much in recent years. I often feared I was losing my fire and creativity to time. But here I am, rediscovering myself and expressing myself in the most unexpected way!

About 6 months ago I converted half of our 2-car garage into a little workshop, and I could not be prouder! I'm so excited to see where this torrent of fire and passion will take me!

Thank you for visiting my shop. I truly appreciate the time you've taken out of your day to come here. Please say hi or leave comment if you'd like to. I would love to hear from you!

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Contact Me

Are you local to Kentuckiana and have a project you’d like to commission?

Do you have recommendations for the website or ideas for a product or products I should tackle?

Do you just want to say hello?

Please, take a moment to reach out. I would LOVE to hear from you!